Join our private Facebook group

  • Find women who share your interests and goals
  • Comment on blogs, and participate in discussions
  • Keep track of events.  Find out who else is going, and register online

The group name is “Baptist Women New Zealand” (
You will need to answer a freeform question on your church and why you want to join the private group.

Our Team

We were nominated by our churches to go onto the board, and then we were voted for, at the annual NZ Baptist Hui by all the church delegates.

But before that occurred, most of us expressed an interest in the work of NZ Baptist Women, and were seconded on to the board to see if there was a way that we could contribute.  So if you are interested in the work, send us an email / write a note on the contact form.  We would be keen to hear from you!

We know we have a need for more cultural diversity on the board, and we know we have a need of people from the regional centres of NZ.  Even if you don’t feel you have any skills to offer, we love willing hearts. We appreciate that a strong body is one in which all its parts are valued.

Contact our team