Baptist World Alliance Women is networking with Baptist women to impact the world:
Women make a difference in every community across the globe, and it is our great honour to network 25 million Baptist sisters together across more than 150 countries for the glory of God and the good of people.
For more than 70 years, Baptist women around the world have united every November for Baptist Womenu2019s World Day of Prayer, and we are excited to continue that legacy. We invite you to join us as Baptist World Alliance Women kicks off the 2023 Day of Prayer with an online global worship experience on:
Saturday, October 14 u2014 New Zealand time: 11 AM
Join us online at YouTube.com/bwawomen for a powerful hour of worship and prayer as we share how God is at work around the world, celebrate the diversity of our seven continental unions, and learn how we can partner together for further kingdom impact in the year ahead.
Photo: By Pixabay: pexels.com/photo/close-up-of-hands-257037/